Captivating Moments: Humpback Whales’ Majestic Feeding Display in Alaskan Waters


Witnessing the awe-inspiring spectacle of nature’s gentle giants, humpback whales, as they feed in the waters of Alaska is an experience that leaves observers captivated and amazed. In a dance of power and grace, these massive creatures leap from the water with a nimbleness reminiscent of dolphins, showcasing the true marvels of the ocean’s wonders.


A striking image captures a 50-foot, 45-ton humpback whale breaching the surface, its magnificent nose soaring to an impressive height of 40 feet above the water. These breathtaking photos, taken by wildlife photographer Jon Cornforth, provide a front-row seat to the astonishing displays of these majestic marine mammals.


Jon Cornforth, 39, hailing from Seattle, ventured to Frederick Sound, near southeast Alaska, to capture these remarkable moments. Standing just 30 feet away from the humpbacks, he immersed himself in their world to document their unique feeding behaviors. “They really are fantastic creatures to get so up close to,” he remarked. “They are extremely curious creatures – they are interested in us just like we’re interested in them.”


One captivating aspect captured by Cornforth’s lens is the humpbacks’ ‘bubble-net’ feeding technique. In a synchronized ballet of nature, the whales work in tandem to round up shoals of herring that gather in the area. One or two whales dive up to 500 feet underwater, releasing air bubbles in a circular pattern to encircle their prey. This method traps the fish, allowing the rest of the group, numbering up to twelve, to easily scoop them up.


What’s particularly fascinating is the sisterhood formed among these magnificent sea creatures. Each year, an all-female group assembles at the same exact location, with each member taking on the same role in their coordinated hunt. The reason behind this unique behavior remains a mystery. “They may have a matriarchal society like some groups of killer whales,” Cornforth speculated. “I’ve seen the same females perform the same job of diving down to create the bubble net time after time.”


These encounters are a testament to the resilience and power of humpback whales. Cornforth’s dedication to capturing their essence required over 12 weeks of observation spread across four years. He embarked on a 120-mile boat journey and spent three days scouring the ocean for that perfect moment to freeze in time.


Humpback whales are undeniably extraordinary creatures, rising from the water for mere seconds before disappearing beneath the waves once more. The fleeting nature of these displays only adds to their breathtaking allure. Cornforth’s evocative photos offer a glimpse into the glorious presence of these gentle giants, allowing viewers to marvel at the natural wonders that grace our oceans.