The double-barred finch (Stizoptera bichenovii) is a captivating avian species that exhibits distinctive features reminiscent of the facial disks seen in certain owl species. Found predominantly in Australia, this finch possesses an enchanting appearance characterized by its brown upper parts, adorned with faint blackish barring from its crown to its back. Its underparts and throat are predominantly white, bordered by a striking double narrow black band. Akin to facial disks observed in owls, the double-barred finch boasts a white face framed by a black border. The intricate design extends to its rump and upper tail-coverts, which are white, contrasting with its black tail. Its breast showcases hues of gray to white, embellished with subtle grey barring on its sides. The finch’s forehead is inky black, contributing to its unique allure.
Both males and females bear a strong resemblance, with males exhibiting slightly thicker chest bars and a more pronounced white face and breast.
The double-barred finch is intrinsically tied to water sources, frequently inhabiting open woodlands, forest edges, grassy woodlands, scrublands, farmlands, roadside shelter belts, parks, as well as rural and suburban gardens.

A seed connoisseur, the double-barred finch primarily sustains itself on seeds obtained from a variety of grasses and herbs. Occasionally, during the breeding season, it supplements its diet with insects and their larvae.

Although sometimes kept as caged pets, the double-barred finch is not currently classified as threatened by the IUCN, despite certain declines observed in Australia’s eastern coastal regions.